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news • March 28th, 2022


On the occasion of 130 years of business, Franck has teamed up with renowned chefs Jeunes Restaurateurs (JRE) with whom he has been successfully collaborating for more than five years. The chefs replaced their kitchens with the ones in Franck's restaurant for employees and prepared a top selection of traditional dishes for lunch.

JRE-Croatia, an association of top chefs and restaurant owners, is a proud member of an international family operating in 16 countries and brings together the most creative chefs and more than 350 gastronomically more ambitious restaurants. This time in Franck, chefs from renowned restaurants all over Croatia, such as Dubravkin put from Zagreb, Navis and Villa Ariston from Opatija, Konoba Pelegrini from Šibenik, konoba Boba from Murter, restaurant Korak from Plešivica, Konoba Zijavica from Moščenićka draga, and restaurant Pergola from Savudrija.

Dishes from the menu delighted Franck's employees, who in large numbers responded to the invitation to lunch at Franck's restaurant for employees, were part of the menu consisting of as many as 8 excellent dishes prepared by chefs and their teams:

  • Tavern Pelegrini - dried seafood dog with rice

  • Konoba Boba - cuttlefish with chickpeas

  • Restaurant Zijavica - octopus stew with peas Villa Ariston - chicken dumplings with zucchini and fennel

  • Restaurant Dubravkin put - black Slavonian pork stew and smoked potatoes Restaurant Pergola - pork ribs and potato gratin

  • Design Hotel Navis - sausages, and sauerkraut

  • Restaurant Korak - Turopolje piglet roll with salad.

Franck showed their culinary skills to the employees through a specially designed menu based on the traditional recipe of the region they come from. The celebratory menu for employees included sausages and sauerkraut, dumplings with chicken and zucchini, pork ribs and potatoes, cuttlefish and chickpeas, black Slavonian pork stew and many other dishes, each of which he chose to his liking. The combination of unusual and somewhat forgotten gastronomic delicacies with the signature of famous chefs was a unique opportunity to celebrate the great 130th anniversary of the company.

U povodu 130 godina poslovanja, Franck se udružio s poznatim chefovima Jeunes Restaurateurs (JRE) s kojima uspješno surađuje već više od pet godina. Chefovi su tako svoje kuhinje zamijenili onom u Franckovom restoranu za zaposlenike te im pripremili vrhunski izbor tradicionalnih jela za ručak.

JRE-Hrvatska, udruženje vrhunskih chefova i vlasnika restorana, ponosni je član međunarodne obitelji koja djeluje u 16 zemalja i okuplja najkreativnije chefove i više od 350 gastronomski ambicioznijih restorana. Ovoga su puta u Francku kuhali šefovi kuhinja iz renomiranih restorana diljem Hrvatske kao što su Dubravkin put iz Zagreba, Navis i Villa Ariston iz Opatije, Konoba Pelegrini iz Šibenika, konoba Boba iz Murtera, restoran Korak iz Plešivice, Konoba Zijavica iz Moščenićke drage, te restoran Pergola iz Savudrije.

Jela s jelovnika su oduševila djelatnike Francka, koji su se u velikom broju odazvali pozivu na objed u Franckovom restoranu za zaposlenike, bila su dio jelovnika koji se sastojao od čak 8 odličnih jela a koja su pripremili chefovi i njihovi timovi:

  • Konoba Pelegrini - sušeni morski pas sa orzom

  • Konoba Boba - maništrun od sipe sa slanutkom

  • Restoran Zijavica - varivo od hobotnice s graškom

  • Villa Ariston - okruglice od piletine s tikvicama i koromačem Restoran Dubravkin put - ragu od crne slavonske svinje i dimljeni krumpir

  • Restoran Pergola - svinjska rebarca i graten od krumpira

  • Design Hotel Navis - kobasice, ombolo i kiseli kupus

  • Restoran Korak - rolada od turopoljskog odojka sa salatom.

Svoje su kulinarsko umijeće Franck zaposlenicima pokazali kroz posebno osmišljen jelovnik temeljen na tradicionalnoj recepturi kraja iz kojeg dolaze. Na slavljeničkom jelovniku za zaposlenike bile su tako kobasice i kiseli kupus, okruglice s piletinom i tikvicama, svinjska rebarca i krumpir, sipa i čičvarda, ragu od crne slavonske svinje te mnoga druga jela od kojih je svatko birao ona po svome ukusu. Upravo je spoj nesvakidašnjih i pomalo zaboravljenih gastronomskih delicija s potpisom poznatih chefova bila jedinstvena prilika za prigodnu proslavu velike 130. obljetnice kompanije.