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news • April 21st, 2022


Monday 11.4. on the island of Ugljan will be held a masterclass on the ancient Japanese technique IKEJIME organized by the restaurant Foša and sea bass breeders Marfish.

Ikejime is a Japanese device for killing fish. With this technique, fish are killed in the most humane way possible. As a result, fish meat stays fresh longer and tastes better. All the secrets of this Japanese technique were shown to us by chef Ippei Uemura, who held a masterclass with a local food - sea bass.

It is a technique that involves a simple tool - a long needle - which instantly kills a newly caught fish by passing a needle through the spine, and quickly releasing blood in the gill area. In this way, the fish dies without stress, there is no dead stiffness, but, more importantly, such bloodied meat stays fresh for much longer, with proper storage. With the help of the Ikejima method, therefore, we kill fish in a humane way and thus prolong the freshness and take care of the best quality of meat. If we let such fish age, we strengthen the taste of Umami meat.

It has been used at the MarFisha sea bass farm for a long time because owner Željko Martinović and director Nenad Grozdanić decided to offer the market top quality fish - premium sea bass that feed for three to five years and weigh from 0.80 to as much as 3.5 kilograms. who also get the best fish food in balls that can be found on the European market and who, as such, deserve a fair ike jime death. Only in this way do their top quality come to the fore.

In addition to the Foša restaurant and small producers, Marfish was supported by chefs from the JRE-Croatia association, as well as local restaurants and winemakers.


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U ponedjeljak 11.4. na otoku Ugljanu održat će se masterclass na temu drevne japanske tehnike IKEJIME u organizaciji restorana Foša i uzgajivača brancina Marfish.

Ikejime je japanska sprava za ubijanje ribe. Pomoću te tehnike riba se ubija na najhumaniji mogući način. Riblje meso radi toga ostane duže svježe i boljeg je okusa. Sve tajne ove japanske tehnike pokazao nam je chef Ippei Uemura koji je održao masterclass sa lokalnom namirnicom – sa brancinom.

Riječ je o tehnici koja uključuje jednostavan alat - dugu iglu - kojim se tek uhvaćena riba trenutno usmrti provlačenjem igle kroz kralježnicu, te brzim puštanjem krvi u predjelu škrga. Na taj način riba umire bez stresa, ne dolazi do mrtvačke ukočenosti, ali, što je važnije, tako okrvavljeno meso daleko duže, uz pravilno skladištenje, zadržava svježinu. Pomoću Ikejime metode, dakle, na human način ubijemo ribu i time produžimo svježinu te se pobrinemo za najbolju kvalitetu mesa. Ako takvu ribu pustimo starati, jačamo Umami okus mesa.

Na uzgajalištu brancina „MarFisha“ koriste je već dugo jer su se vlasnik Željko Martinović i direktor Nenad Grozdanić odlučili tržištu ponuditi vrhunsku ribe – premium brancine koje hrane od tri do pet godina i koji dostižu težinu od 0,80 do čak 3,5 kilograma, koji dobivaju i najbolju riblju hranu u kuglicama koja se može naći na europskom tržištu i koji su, kao takvi, zaslužili poštenu ike jime smrt. Samo tako im vrhunska kvaliteta dolazi do maksimalnog izražaja.

Osim restorana Foše i malih proizvođača Marfish support su dali i chefovi iz udruge JRE-Hrvatska kao i lokalni restorani i vinari.


  • Restoran Foša (pljukanci s ikrom od brancina), Mate Nižić, Saša Began & team

  • Konoba Boba, Murter support Zijavici i servis, Vjeko Bašić (predsjednik udruge JRE-Hrvatska & team

  • Restoran Zijavica, Moščenička draga (frigane jetrice od brancina sa lješnjacima), Tea & Stiven Vunić

  • Restoran Boškinac (marinirani brancin sa narančinim sokom, ružmarinom i jogurtom od mlijeka paške ovce.), Oskar Kovač i Dominik Mrkonjić

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