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news • October 9th, 2024


The JRE spirit returns to Miele experience centers! The Miele experience center in Zagreb and Split opens its doors to JRE chefs and all lovers of gastronomy at the beginning of October! JRE-Croatian restaurant association with long-term partners Miele organizes more than 8 masterclasses during the year, which are divided into the regions of Zagreb and Split. JRE & Miele masterclasses start after the summer break, more precisely from the beginning of October.

For all food and wine lovers, the JRE-Croatia association organizes masterclasses in which all of you can participate. Masterclasses are organized for gastronomy lovers who can learn firsthand the recipes of our JRE chefs, taste the wines of renowned winemakers and get to know small producers who are partners of the association. At the masterclass, different topics and cooking techniques are always covered, and they are intended for all households, and the recipes are created so that everyone can prepare them at home!

You can find more about the JRE association and Miele masterclasses on the website www.jre.eu, and below we bring you a list of masterclasses, their dates, locations and main actors!


JRE duh vraća se u Miele experinece centre! Miele experience centar Zagreb i Split otvaraju svoja vrata JRE chefovima i svim zaljubljenicima u gastronomiju početkom listopada! JRE-Hrvatska udruga restorana sa dugogodišnjim partnerima Miele organizira tokom godine više od 8 masterclasseva koji su podijeljeni na regije Zagreb i Split. Nakon ljetne stanke, točnije od početka listopada započinju JRE & Miele masterclassevi.

Za sve ljubitelje hrane i vina udruga JRE-Hrvatska organizira masterclasseve na kojima svi Vi možete sudjelovati. Masterclassevi organiziraju se za ljubitelje gastronomije koji mogu iz prve ruke saznati recepte naših JRE chefova, kušati vina renominiranih vinara i upoznati se sa malim proizvođačima koji su partneri udruge. Na masterclassu se uvijek obrađuju različite teme i tehnike kuhanja a namijenjeni su svim domaćinstvima te recepti formirani da ih svatko može pripremiti doma!

Više o JRE udruzi te Miele masterclassevima potražite na web stranici www.jre.eu a mi Vam u nastavku donosimo popis masterclasseva, njihove datume, lokacije i glavne aktere!