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news • June 6th, 2023

JRE-Slovenia has welcomed four new members and two honorary members

Petrovče, May 29, 2023 - The traditional JRE-Slovenia Black&White event, held at Novo Celje Castle, once again impressed with its exceptional cuisine, relaxed atmosphere, and the addition of passionate red to the black and white world. The enthusiastic restaurateurs, as the JRE members describe themselves, have expanded their ranks by accepting four new members, thus increasing the JRE family to 26 members.

The mystical baroque Novo Celje Castle, which has played a significant role in the region's political, cultural, and economic life, became the meeting point for the leading representatives of haute cuisine, JRE partners, and selected invited guests on Monday. In a lively atmosphere, accompanied by the music of 6pack Čukurja, Maja Založnik, and numerous performers, 140 attendees dressed in the distinctive black and white dress code once again affirmed that JRE-Slovenia is synonymous with an energetic association that always serves something new.

In his opening address, Gašper Puhan, Vice President of the European JRE association, emphasized that JRE is the largest international association of haute cuisine, with Slovenia leaving a significant mark: "The achievement of Slovenia in establishing its place on the world gastronomic map alongside the most recognizable representatives of the sector is not taken for granted but is the result of hard work and sacrifice. Being involved in the leadership of an international association and traveling extensively, I see the bigger picture, and I am proud to say that we have an exceptional reputation in the field of haute cuisine. Our strategic focus on sustainability and responsible approach to nature has been more than appropriate and has positioned us excellently. I am delighted that JRE-Slovenia, as an important part of the umbrella organization JRE, has contributed to building this success. I believe that we will continue to build on these successes together with other stakeholders, but we must be aware that this path will be extremely demanding and full of challenges."

At the culinary-musical spectacle, which was also attended by Blaž Cvar, the President of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, representatives of the Slovenian Tourist Board, mayors, representatives of local authorities, and associations, the guests were also addressed by John Denhof, the Director of the Management Board of NovaKBM, the premium partner of JRE-Slovenia. Together with Gašper Puhan, Grega Repovž, and Marko Pavčnik, who make up the JRE-Slovenia executive board, they welcomed four new members to the JRE family.

The first to join was Sara Kavčič from Gostilna pri Lojzetu, who became a young member of JRE, while her father, Tomaž Kavčič, became an honorary member of JRE. A similar family story unfolded at Gostilna Rajh, where Leon Pintarič, already a familiar face in JRE, officially became a new member. As representatives of the smallest restaurant in Slovenia, Maja Miška and Jure Brložnik from Miza za štiri also joined. As a special appointment directly from JRE Jeunes Restauranteurs, Igor Jagodic received recognition for his lifetime achievements in the field of Slovenian gastronomy. Jeunes Restauranteurs, which translates to "young restaurateurs," wouldn't function without examples from their own ranks, the older colleagues who have been pushing the boundaries of Slovenian and global cuisine for decades. The honorary membership of JRE was bestowed upon Ana Roš and Tanja Pintarič, long-time members of JRE.

The new members took care of the culinary part. Leon Pintarič opened the event with marinated trout and spring vegetables, mango, and peanuts. Maja Miška and Jure Brložnik prepared cauliflower and curry, Sara Kavčič served game ragout with potato soup, and Igor Jagodič delighted the guests with sea bass accompanied by smoked sea bass foam, brancin Fonda botargo, and wild garlic. These outstanding flavors that opened the event were followed by crispy pork, perfectly rounding out the feast. Honorary members Ana Roš and Tanja Pintarič added their touch to the sweetest part of the evening. Tanja prepared a dessert with pistachios and strawberries, while Ana, due to prior commitments, sent her famous pasteis de nata from Pekarna Ana.

Grega Repovž, the President of the JRE-Slovenia association, commented on the event: "The JRE-Slovenia association is growing stronger, louder, and more influential every year. The association, which can be called the JRE family, is shaped and empowered by various individuals, members who, with their uniqueness, create an ideal whole. That's the essence of such collaboration. That's why the days when we can welcome new members into our midst are even more important. The fact that the next generation of long-standing members decides to continue their membership and the desire to join is greater than our capacity to accept, loudly confirms that we are on the right path."

Tradicionalno srečanje JRE-Slovenija Black&White, ki se je odvijalo v Dvorcu Novo Celje je tudi letos navdušilo z vrhunsko kulinariko, sproščenim vzdušjem, v svet črno bele pa so dodali še strastno rdečo. Strastni gostinci, kot se namreč opišejo člani JRE, so v svoje vrste sprejeli še štiri nove člane in tako povečali JRE družino na 26 članov.

Mističen baročen Dvorec Novo Celje, ki je v zgodovini imel pomembno mesto v političnem, kulturnem in gospodarskem življenju regije, je v ponedeljek postal stičišče najvidnejših predstavnikov visoke kulinarike, partnerjev JRE in izbranih povabljenih gostov. 140 prisotnih, oblečenih v značilno črno-bel dress code, je v živahnem vzdušju, glasbeni spremljavi 6pack Čukurja, Maje Založnik in številnimi nastopajočimi znova potrdilo, da je JRE-Slovenija sinonim za energično združenje, ki vedno postreže z nečim novim.

Gašper Puhan, podpredsednik evropskega združenja JRE je v uvodnem pozdravu izpostavil, da je JRE največje svetovno združenje visoke kulinarike, pri čemer pa Slovenija pušča pomemben pečat: »Dosežek, da je Slovenija danes na področju gastronomije skupaj z najbolj prepoznavnimi predstavniki sektorja uspela vzpostaviti svoje mesto na svetovnem gastronomskem zemljevidu, ni samoumeven, ampak je za tem veliko trdega dela in žrtvovanja. S tem, ko sem vpet v vodenje mednarodnega združenja in veliko potujem, vidim še širšo sliko in vedno znova s ponosom ugotavljam, da imamo resnično izjemen ugled na področju visoke kulinarike. Strateška usmeritev v trajnost in odgovoren odnos do narave je bila seveda več kot pravilna in nas je odlično pozicionirala. Vesel sem, da je JRE-Slovenija kot pomemben del krovne organizacije JRE pripomogla k grajenju tega uspeha. Verjamem, da bomo uspehe skupaj s ostalimi deležniki dobro gradili dalje, a se je potrebno zavedati, da bo tudi ta pot izredno zahtevna in polna izzivov«.

Na kulinarično-glasbenem spektaklu, ki so se ga udeležili tudi predsednik Obrtne zbornice Blaž Cvar, predstavniki STO, župani in predstavniki lokalnih oblasti ter združenj, je goste nagovoril tudi John Denhof, direktor uprave NoveKBM, ki je premium partner JRE-Slovenija. Skupaj z Gašperjem Puhanom, Gregom Repovžem in Markotom Pavčnikom, ki sestavljajo upravni odbor JRE-Slovenija, so v JRE družino sprejeli štiri nove člane.

Prva se je pridružila Sara Kavčič iz Gostilne pri Lojzetu, ki je postala mlada članica JRE, njen oče Tomaž  Kavčič pa je častni član JRE. Podobna družinska zgodba je pri Gostilni Rajh. Leon Pintarič, ki je že znan obraz JRE, je tudi uradno postal novi član. Kot predstavnika najmanjše restavracije v Sloveniji sta se pridružila Maja Miška in Jure Brložnik iz Mize za štiri. Posebno imenovanje direktno s strani JRE Jeunes Restauranteurs pa je prejel Igor Jagodic kot nagrado za življenjske delo na področju slovenske gastronomije. Jeunes Restauranteurs, kar v prevodu pomeni mladi gostinci, pa seveda ne bi deloval, če mladi gostinci ne bi imeli zgledov iz svoji vrst, torej starejših kolegov, ki že desetletja prestavljajo meje slovenske in svetovne kulinarike. Imenovanje za častni članici JRE sta prejeli dolgoletni članici JRE Ana Roš in Tanja Pintarič.

Novi člani so poskrbeli za kulinaričen del. Leon Pintarič je dogodek otvoril z marinirano postrvijo in pomladno zelenjavo, mangom ter arašidi, Maja Miška in Jure Brložnik sta pripravila cvetačo in curry, Sara Kavčič divjačinski ragu s krompirjevo juho, Igor Jagodič pa brancina s peno dimljenega brancina, botargo brancina Fonda in čemažem. Izjemnim okusom, ki so otvorili dogodek, je sledil še hrustljavi prašič, ki je odlično zaokrožil gostijo. Častni članici Ana Roš in Tanja Pintarič sta dodali še svoj pečat pri najslajšem delu večera. Tanja je pripravila sladico s pistacijami in jagodami, Ana pa je zaradi obveznosti opravičila svojo odsotnost in poslala pasteis de nata iz Pekarne Ana.

Predsednik združenje JRE-Slovenija, Grega Repovž je ob dogodku povedal:

»Združenje JRE-Slovenija je iz leta v leto močnejše, glasnejše in prodornejše. Združenju, ki mu lahko rečemo kar JRE družina, dajejo pečat in moč najrazličnejši posamezniki, člani, ki s svojo individualnostjo delajo idealno celoto. Ravno v tem je bistvo takšnega povezovanja. Zato so dnevi, ko lahko medse sprejmemo nove člane še toliko bolj pomembni. Da smo na pravi poti, nam glasno povedo tudi dejstva, ko se za nadaljevanje članstva odločajo nasledniki dolgoletnih članov in ko je želja po vključevanju večja od zmožnosti sprejetja.«