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news • September 19th, 2022

Mastercard Nexi

We participated in the NEXI MASTERCARD international congress in Milan. Chef Vjeko Bašić - president of the JRE-Hr association presented Croatia at the NEXI congress in Milan.

Only three chefs, international JRE associations, were hosts in Milan and presented their countries through three colors.

Croatia is blue - it means the sea and the original seasonal ingredients we work with. Chef Vjeko from Boba Tavern chose our partners, the small Marfish producers, with whose bracken he prepared dishes for all the guests.

Sudjelovali smo na internacionalnom kongresu NEXI MASTERCARD u Milanu.

Chef Vjeko Bašić – predsjednik udruge JRE-Hr predstavio je Hrvatsku na NEXI kongresu u Milanu. Samo tri chefa, internacionalne JRE udruge, bili su domaćini u Milanu i predstavili svoje zemlje kroz tri boje.

Hrvatska je plava – označava more i izvorne sezonske namirnice sa kojima radimo. Chef Vjeko iz konobe Boba, odabrao je naše partnere, male proizvođače Marfish sa čijim je branicima pripremio jela za sve goste.