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news • January 10th, 2024


The seventh consecutive masterclass in cooperation with Miele kitchens took place on November 29. in Zagreb!


The participants of this masterclass were our members restaurant Dubravkin put, headed by Tibor Valinčić, chef & brothers Chiavalon & winery Cuj & Karlić truffles, which are part of the association JRE-Croatia as small producers.

Each masterclass has its own actors, including a chef from one of our restaurants together with small producers and winemakers of the association.

Masterclasses are closed for a small number of guests who sign up through newsletters, social networks or win a ticket to participation in them! You too can participate in our masterclasses that we organize during the year, and there are a total of 8 masterclasses divided into two regions - Split and Zagreb! Follow our social networks where we announce the dates of masterclasses as well as their actors.

Read what we cooked at this masterclass below!

The welcome started with a wonderful fresh sparkling wine from the Cuj winery.

Sparkling wine made from the Malvazija variety, 2023 brought freshness and aromaticity and presented the autochthonous variety of Istria with a full description! The grapes come from selected locations, the classic method of fermentation and aging gives this wine a characteristic smell of brioche, small and fine bubbles and a taste of balanced freshness.


After the sparkling wine, we tasted chef Tibor's snacks with fresh Malvasia from the Cuj winery.

Cake filled with beef tongue salad, seasoned with JRE Chiavalon oil and grated Karlić white truffle were the appetizers that went very well with Cuj sparkling wine.


After snacks and sparkling wine, we attended a real oil tasting masterclass led by Tedi Chiavalon. Tasting oil, and its organoleptic properties, and Tedi taught us how to recognize real olive oil.

Croatian black Angus rump steak matured for 50 days in butter, pumpkin fondant and cream of caramelized pumpkin and ricotta together with Atilo chiavalon oil and grated Karlić white truffles for the main course.

With the main course, we drank Teran od Cuja from 2021. Teran obtained from grapes from the best location in the vicinity of Umag, Bosco grande or in translation "Big Forest". The wine is distinguished by spicy and fruity aromas, velvety tannins are present and it is adorned with a full body. For it, the grapes are carefully selected, the ideal ripeness is waited for, and after vinification, it is aged for several years, partly in wooden barrels and partly in bottles.


Finally, we were delighted by pralines made from young Chiavalon oil and white chocolate and truffles made from milk chocolate and white truffles from the Karlić family.

See you at the new editions of masterclasses in cooperation with Miele partners.



Sedmi po redu masterclass u suradnji sa Miele kuhinjama održao se 29.11. u Zagrebu!

Glavni akteri ovog masterclassa bili su naši članovi restoran Dubravkin put na čelu sa Tiborom Valinčićem chefom kuhinje & braća Chiavalon & vinarija Cuj & Karlić tartufi koji su dio udruge JRE-Hrvatska kao mali proizvođači.

Svaki masterclass ima svoje aktere od kojih je chef kuhinje iz jednog od naših restorana zajedno sa malim proizvođačima i vinarima udruge. Masterclassevi su zatvorenog tipa, za manji broj gostiju koji se prijavljuju putem newslettera, društvenih mreža ili raznih nagradnih igara i osvoje sudjelovanje na njima! I Vi možete sudjelovati na našim masterclassevima koje tokom godine organiziramo a sveukupno radi se o 8 masterclassa podijeljenih na dvije regije – na Split i na Zagreb! Pratite naše društvene mreže gdje objavljujemo datume održavanja masterclasseva kao i njihove aktere.

Što smo sve kuhali na ovom masterclassu čitajte u nastavku!


Dobrodošlica je započela sa predivnim svježim pjenušcem vinarije Cuj.

Pjenušac napravljen od sorte Malvazija, 2023. godina unio je svježinu i aromatičnost te punim opisom predstavio autohtonu sortu Istre! Grožđe dolazi sa odabranih položaja, klasična metoda fermentacije i odležavanje ovom vinu daje karakterističan miris na brioche, sitne i fine mjehuriće te okus izbalansirane svježine.


Nakon pjenušca kušali smo zalogaje chefa Tibora uz svježu Malvaziju vinarije Cuj.

Tortica punjena salatom od goveđeg jezika, začinjeno sa JRE Chiavalon uljem i ribanim bijelim tartufom Karlić bili su zalogaji za početak koji su jako dobro išli sa pjenušcem Cuj.


Nakon zalogaja i pjenušca prisustvovali smo pravom masterclassu kušanja ulja koje je vodio Tedi Chiavalon. Kušanje ulja, te njegova organoleptička svojstva a Tedi nas je naučio i kako prepoznati pravo maslinovo ulje.


Hrvatski ramstek black Angusa dozrijevan 50 dana u maslacu, fondant od buče i krema od karamelizirane buče i riccote zajedno sa Atilo chiavalon uljem i ribanim bijelim tartufima Karlić za glavno jelo.

Uz glavno jelo pili smo Teran od Cuja iz 2021. godine. Teran dobiven od grožđa sa najboljeg položaja u okolici Umaga, Bosco grande ili u prijevodu „Velika šuma“. Vino se odlikuje začinskim i voćnim mirisima, prisutni su baršunasti tanini te ga krasi puno tijelo. Za njega se pažljivo izabiru grozdovi, čeka se idealna zrelost te se po vinifikaciji stavlja na odležavanje nekoliko godina dijelom u drvenim bačvama a dijelom u bocama.


Za kraj oduševile su nas praline od mladog chiavalon ulja i bijele čokolade te truffle od mliječne čokolade i bijelog tartufa obitelji Karlić.

Vidimo se u na novim izdanjima masterclasseva u suradnji sa partnerima Miele!