In addition to presenting three new JRE family members, the president of the association Vjeko Bašić (Konoba Boba from Murter), also presented a new edition of the JRE-HR guide for 2022.
“Let the guide be your travel companion and indulge in new gastronomic experiences! The guide has been printed in more than 7,000. copies that can be found in JRE restaurants or at our partners and it is important to note that the new edition of the guide is made of up to 100% eco-recycled paper.
We are a small family with a big heart. Creatives and visionaries. Chefs, restorers, sommelier and big lovers of what we do and what our lifestyle represents.
The desire and goal is to exchange knowledge and experience through socializing and to present original food and unforgettable moments to friends and lovers of gastronomy.
We are working on more than 20 projects and the biggest of them is the Talent & Passion event which will take place at the end of September. The location of the big JRE event is a surprise that we will discover with you soon! ”
Let the guide be your travel companion and indulge in new gastronomic experiences
Osim predstavljanja nova tri JRE člana obitelji, predsjednik udruge Vjeko Bašić (Konoba Boba iz Murtera), predstavio je i novo izdanje vodiča JRE-HR za 2022. godinu.
„Dopustite vodiču da bude Vaša pratnja na putovanjima i prepustite se novim gastronomskim doživljajima! Vodič je tiskan u više od 7.000. primjeraka koji se mogu naći u JRE restoranima ili kod naših partnera a važno je za napomenuti da je novo izdanje vodiča napravljeno do 100% eko recikliranog papira.
Mi smo mala obitelj velikog srca. Kreativci i vizionari. Chefovi, restaurateri, sommelieri i veliki zaljubljenici ono što radimo i što predstavlja naš životni stil.
Želja i cilj su kroz zajedničko druženje razmjenjivati znanje i iskustvo te prijateljima i ljubiteljima gastronomije prezentirati iskonske namirnice i nezaboravne trenutke.
Radimo na više od 20 projekata a najveći među njima je Talent & Passion event koji će se održati krajem 9. Mjeseca. Lokacija velikog JRE eventa iznenađenje je koje ćemo tek otkriti sa Vama uskoro!“