We visited the Kozlović winery and our JRE vineyards. The exclusive wine line of JRE-Malvazija Kozlović is ready for tasting.
From June, members of the JRE association will be able to taste a special edition of Malvasia created in the Kozlović cellar in June. From June, you will be able to taste a special edition of Malvasia created in the Istrian cellar Kozlović in one of the 16 Croatian restaurants associated with the prestigious international association JRE. Namely, the association JRE-Hrvatska and winery Kozlović, in addition to a long-term partnership, have also developed a specialized brand, which is JRE Malvazija. This is aged Malvasia from 2018, which is produced in Kozlović from a special vineyard built by the chefs of these excellent restaurants who share the same motto - love and passion for cooking and talent. That is why this week in the Kozlović winery, colleagues and friends, chefs and restaurant owners of the JRE association from Croatia and Slovenia, came together.
On the terrace of the Kozlović winery with a beautiful view of the vineyards and the historic town of Momjan and his castle, fellow chefs, sommelier and restaurateurs exchanged experiences and contacts with Momjan nutmeg and coffee. Because this was the first meeting of the members of these two JRE associations.
- Due to many obligations, we have never gathered in one place in an organized way to exchange experiences so far, but also to learn something. That is why on Tuesday we decided to continue at the Kozlović winery, which has been a long-term partner of the JRE-Hrvatska association, said the president of the association Vjeko Bašić from the Bob tavern on Murter. At the same time, this was an opportunity for the chefs and restaurant owners to see their own vines, but also to taste the latest harvest to decide which style of Malvasia will go into their common bottle.


Namely, 16 restaurants from the association have to agree every year on what kind of common Malvasia they want to offer in their restaurant, and this is not always an easy task because everyone has an idea of what wine should go with their dishes.
- Antonela and Gianfranco Kozlović make three types of Malvasia for us from the position of Santa Lucia, and then they bring those three samples to our annual assembly. Then we blindly choose which pattern to choose. We did not agree this year. We chose one Malvasia that had a very specific aroma of rosemary which is very rare. That vineyard only once in 10 years gives that aroma of rosemary. And we all immediately chose that wine because it looked exotic to us. However, we were not sure if we had made a good decision, so we decided to try this Malvasia again before bottling, the owner of the Murter tavern told us. So this week they took the opportunity again and tasted the Malvasia that will come to their tables in just a few years.


Namely, as Antonela Kozlović explained to us, when JRE restaurants first chose the style of Malvasia they want to have, they decided on aged Malvasia in bottles. It is bottled a year after harvest, and only then is it aged in bottles, so they already have to decide which one to put in the glass.
- The harvest of Malvasia, which will now go to restaurants, was at the end of September 2018, with a short maceration of two days, followed by fermentation of 5,000 liters in a wooden barrel of Slavonian and French oak. The end of fermentation was done in a stainless steel tank. The flow from the coarse sediment was in mid-November, and aging on fine sediment until May 2019. It is a wine with the potential to age for up to 10 years, Antonela explained to us. Gianfranco added that special grapes are chosen for JRE Malvasia from the best and specific position of Santa Lucia, from where the view can be seen on Buje, but also on Brtonigla.
- It is a rounded, fragrant, seductive and powerful Malvasia. The new edition of 2018 was produced in the amount of 3,800 numbered bottles, added Gianfranco, who, after spending time on the terrace, took the famous chefs through the vineyards in Santa Lucia a few kilometers away from the winery. President of the association Vjeko Bašić, Luka Goleš and Kelli Nikolac from the restaurant Draga di Lovrana, Cyntia Vučaj from Villa Ariston, Bernard Korak from Korak, Tea and Stiven Vunić from the tavern Zijavica and Ivan Badurina from the restaurant Badi could see their vines, but also hear what everything bothers winemakers from this area. Gianfranco told the chefs that he sees the future of winemaking and viticulture that will turn to ecology in all segments. Thus, more and more irrigation will be introduced in the vineyards, which the Kozlović family in St. Lucia is already doing on a trial basis, certain protective equipment will be used less and less, and sustainable machines could be used in the vineyards. In the coming period, new resistant varieties could be introduced.
We would like to thank the Croatian National Tourist Board for co-financing the gathering of Croatian and Slovenian chefs at the Kozlović winery.

Posjetili smo vinariju Kozlović i naše JRE-vinograde. Exkluzivna linija vina JRE-Malvazije Kozlović je spremna za degustaciju.
U 16 hrvatskih restorana članova udruženja JRE od lipnja će se moći kušati specijalna edicija malvazije nastale u podrumu Kozlović
Od lipnja ćete u jednom od 16 hrvatskih restorana udruženih u uglednu međunarodnu udrugu JRE moći kušati specijalnu ediciju malvazije nastale u istarskom podrumu Kozlović. Naime, udruga JRE Hrvatska i vinarija Kozlović, osim dugogodišnjeg partnerstva, razvili su i specijalizirani brand, a to je JRE Malvazija. Riječ je o odležanoj malvaziji iz 2018. godine koja se kod Kozlovića proizvodi iz posebnog vinograda kojega su podigli sami chefovi ovih izvrsnih restorana koji dijele isti moto – ljubav i strast za kuhanjem te talent. Baš zato su se ovaj tjedan u vinariji Kozlović udružili kolege i prijatelji chefovi i vlasnici restorana JRE udruge iz Hrvatske i Slovenije.
Na terasi vinarije Kozlović s predivnim pogledom na vinograde i povijesni gradić Momjan te njegov kaštel kolege chefovi, sommelieri i restorateri uz momjanski muškat i kavu razmijenili su iskustva i kontakte. Jer ovo je bio prvi susret članova ovih dviju JRE udruga.
- Zbog mnogobrojnih obveza nikad do sada se nismo organizirano skupili na jednom mjestu kako bismo razmijenili dosadašnja iskustva, ali i nešto naučili. Zato smo u utorak odlučili produžiti se kod vinarije Kozlović koji su dugogodišnji partneri udruge JRE Hrvatska, kazao nam je predsjednik udruženja Vjeko Bašić iz konobe Boba na Murteru. Ujedno, ovo je bila prilika i da chefovi te vlasnici restorana sami vide svoje loze, ali i da kušaju najnoviju berbu kako bi odlučili koji će stil malvazije ući u njihovu zajedničku bocu.
Naime, 16 restorana iz udruge mora se svake godine složiti kakvu zajedničku malvaziju žele ponuditi u svom restoranu, a to nije uvijek lak zadatak jer svatko ima predodžbu kakvo treba biti vino koje će ići uz njihove pjate.
- Antonela i Gianfranco Kozlović za nas naprave tri vrste malvazije s položaja Santa Lucija, a onda na našoj godišnjoj skupštini donesu ta tri uzorka. Tada na slijepo biramo koji ćemo uzorak izabrati. Ove godine nismo bili složni. Odabrali smo jednu malvaziju koja je imala vrlo specifičnu aromatiku po ružmarinu što se jako rijetko događa. Taj vinograd samo jednom u 10 godina da tu aromu ružmarina. I svi smo odmah odabrali to vino jer nam je izgledalo egzotično. No, nismo bili sigurni jesmo li donijeli dobru odluku, pa smo odlučili da ćemo prije flaširanja još jednom probati tu malvaziju, kazao nam je vlasnik murterske konobe. Tako da su ovaj tjedan ponovno iskoristili priliku i kušali malvaziju koja će doći na njihove stolove tek za nekoliko godina.


Naime, kako nam je pojasnila Antonela Kozlović, kada su JRE restorani prvi put birali stil malvazije koji žele imati, odlučili su se za odležanu malvaziju u bocama. Ona se flašira godinu dana nakon berbe, a tek onda odležava u bocama, tako da već sada trebaju odlučiti koju će staviti u staklo.
- Berba malvazije koja će sada ići u restorane je bila krajem rujna 2018. godine, s kratkom maceracijom od dva dana, nakon čega je slijedila fermentacija od 5000 litara u drvenoj bačvi od slavonskog i francuskog hrasta. Kraj fermentacije odrađen je u inoks tanku. Pretok s grubog taloga bio je sredinom studenog, a odležavanje na finim talozima do svibnja 2019. godine. To je vino s potencijalom odležavanja do 10 godina, objasnila nam je Antonela. Gianfranco je dodao da se za JRE malvaziju bira posebno grožđe s najbolje i specifične pozicije Santa Lucija od kuda pogled puca i na Buje, ali i na Brtoniglu.
- Riječ je o zaokruženoj, mirisnoj, zavodljivoj i moćnoj malvaziji. Nova edicija 2018. godina proizvedena je u količini od 3800 numeriranih butelja, dodao je Gianfranco koji je poznate chefove nakon druženja na terasi proveo i kroz vinograde na Santa Luciji par kilometara dalje od vinarije. Predsjednik udruge Vjeko Bašić, Luka Goleš i Kelli Nikolac iz restorana Draga di Lovrana, Cyntia Vučaj iz Ville Ariston, Bernard Korak iz Koraka, Tea i Stiven Vunić iz konobe Zijavica te Ivan Badurina iz restorana Badi mogli su vidjeti svoje loze, ali i čuti što sve muči vinare s ovog područja. Gianfranco je chefovima govorio kako vidi budućnost vinarstva i vinogradarstva koje će se okrenuti ekologiji u svim segmentima. Tako će se sve više uvoditi navodnjavanje u vinogradima, što pokusno Kozlovići na Svetoj Luciji već i rade, sve manje će se koristiti određena zaštitna sredstva, a u vinograde bi mogli i održivi strojevi. U narednom razdoblju mogle bi se uvesti i nove otporne sorte.
Ovim putem se zahvaljujemo Hrvatskoj turističkoj zajednici koja je sufinancirala druženje Hrvatskih i slovenskih chefova u vinariji Kozlović.