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news • March 21st, 2024

Exceptional Slovenian experts and chefs are coming to the Weekend Food Festival in Rovinj, Croatia

Welcome to the Weekend Food Festival in Rovinj - in its third edition, the Weekend Food Festival will continue the tradition of gathering the world’s best chefs and experts in the field of gastronomy, food industry and catering, creating a unique platform where passion for food and innovation meet. This festival, which in its previous editions has already put Rovinj and Croatia on the global gastronomic map, will once again be the center of culinary trends, discussions and education for three days.

Rovinj will be the gathering place for experts and enthusiasts of gastronomy for the third time, from April 19th to 21st, at the Weekend Food Festival, where a series of current and important topics will be opened up, focusing on the challenges facing the gastronomic scene and defining guidelines that can contribute to its quality. A special contribution to this year's Festival, which will be held in the old Tobacco Factory in the center of Rovinj, will be made by prominent Slovenian chefs and experts who will have the opportunity to promote Slovenian gastronomy in the Croatian market. The Weekend Food Festival serves as a valuable platform for exchanging good ideas and experiences and promoting values ​​such as raising the quality of the gastronomic scene in Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Thus, this is a unique opportunity for additional promotion of the Slovenian gastronomic scene in the Croatian market, which is even more quality with good cooperation with prestigious associations such as JRE-Slovenia.

In addition to numerous chefs from the region, the Weekend Food Festival will host renowned chef Janez Bratovž and Jure Tomič, chef and owner of the famous Ošterija Debeluh, who will contribute to the panel "Can fine dining restaurants be profitable" along with Marina Gaši and discuss the actual sustainability of fine dining restaurants. Also attending the Festival are Gašper Puhan, vice president of the European JRE Association, Grega Repovž, owner of the popular Gostilna Repovž, and Jorg Zupan, chef of Breg and Aftr restaurant, who will participate in the panel: "Why do Slovenians do it better?". Gregor Božičnik, owner of the best sushi restaurant in Slovenia - Sushimama, and Janko Kodila, owner of the exceptional Šunkarna Kodila, have also confirmed their attendance in Rovinj.

Among the announced speakers, Alejandro Serrano stands out, the youngest chef and owner of the eponymous Spanish restaurant, who at the age of 24 received a Michelin star and was placed by Forbes on the prestigious "30 under 30" list, as well as Maria Paola Gabusi, one of the greatest Italian experts on olive oil and president of the O'Live & Italy Cultural Association. Among the current topics that the Festival will address is certainly the growing problem of quality service, which will be the topic of the panel "His Majesty, the waiter", and an exploration of how well and qualitatively we actually eat and why we ignore the importance of good traditional restaurants.

In addition to exquisite food and drinks, this year's Festival will also emphasize other segments of the industry, such as the Weekend Food Market, where a rich gastronomic offer of traditional Istrian and Croatian specialties will be available. This part of the festival will be open to visitors who want to enjoy the gastronomic offer, while festival registrations will be required for those who will attend lectures and participate in workshops. Thus, the Weekend Food Festival represents a unique gastronomic event, which is also a platform for all those who share a passion for tastes and experiences, and who want an opportunity for networking, education, exchange of experiences, and great entertainment.

The host and partner of this unique regional food festival this year again is Maistra. So plan your visit to Rovinj from April 19th to 21st now, and let's explore, enjoy, and connect in the magic of gastronomy together. Secure your tickets on the official website www.weekendfoodfestival.com, and you can also follow all the news on official FB and IG channels.

Izjemni slovenski strokovnjaki in chefi prihajajo na Weekend Food Festival

Rovinj bo že tretjič gostil strokovnjake in ljubitelje gastronomije ter bo med vikendom od 19. do 21. aprila na Weekend Food Festivalu odprl vrsto aktualnih in pomembnih tem ter se osredotočil na izzive, s katerimi se sooča gastronomska scena, ter na določanje smernic, ki lahko prispevajo k njeni kakovosti. Poseben prispevek letošnjemu Festivalu, ki bo potekal v stari Tobačni tovarni v središču Rovinja, bodo dali izjemni slovenski chefi in strokovnjaki, ki bodo imeli priložnost promovirati slovensko gastronomijo na hrvaškem trgu. Weekend Food Festival se kot vredna platforma za izmenjavo dobrih idej in izkušenj ter promocijo vrednot, kot je dvig kakovosti gastronomske scene tako v Hrvaški, Srbiji kot tudi v Sloveniji. Tako je to edinstvena priložnost za dodatno promocijo slovenske gastronomske scene na hrvaškem trgu, kar je še kakovostneje z dobro sodelovanje s prestižnim združenjem, kot je JRE-Slovenija.

Poleg številnih chefov iz regije na Weekend Food Festival prihajajo priznani chef Janez Bratovž in Jure Tomič, chef in lastnik slavne Ošterije Debeluh, ki bosta skupaj z Marino Gaši prispevala svoje mnenje na panelu "Ali lahko fine dining restavracije prinesejo dobiček" ter govorila o dejanski vzdržnosti fine dining restavracij. Na Festival prihajajo tudi Gašper Puhan, podpredsednik evropskega JRE združenja, Grega Repovž, lastnik priljubljene Gostilne Repovž, in Jorg Zupan, chef restavracije Breg in Aftr, ki bodo sodelovali na panelu: "Zakaj Slovenci to delajo bolje?". Svoj prihod v Rovinj sta potrdila tudi Gregor Božičnik, lastnik najboljše sushi restavracije v Sloveniji - Sushimama in Janko Kodila, lastnik izjemne Šunkarne Kodila.

Med najavljenimi govorci izstopa tudi Alejandro Serrano, najmlajši chef in lastnik istoimenske španske restavracije, ki je v svojem 24. letu pridobil Michelinovo zvezdico in ga je Forbes uvrstil na prestižni seznam "30 pod 30", ter Maria Paola Gabusi, ena največjih italijanskih strokovnjakinj za oljčno olje in predsednica združenja O'Live & Italy Cultural Association. Med aktualnimi temami, ki jih bo Festival odprl, je zagotovo tudi vse večji problem kakovostne storitve, ki bo tema panela "Njegovo veličanstvo natakar", ter raziskovanje, kako dobro in kakovostno dejansko jemo ter zakaj ignoriramo pomembnost dobrih tradicionalnih restavracij.

Poleg vrhunskih jedi in pijač bo letošnji Festival poudaril tudi druge segmente industrije, kot je Weekend Food Market, kjer bodo na voljo bogate gastronomske ponudbe tradicionalnih istrskih in hrvaških specialitet. Prav ta del festivala bo odprt za obiskovalce, ki želijo uživati v gastronomski ponudbi, medtem ko bodo festivalske kotizacije potrebne za tiste, ki bodo poslušali predavanja in sodelovali na delavnicah. Tako predstavlja Weekend Food Festival edinstven dogodek v gastronomiji, ki je hkrati platforma za vse tiste, ki delijo strast do okusov in doživetij, ter želijo priložnost za povezovanje, izobraževanje, izmenjavo izkušenj in odlično zabavo.

Domačin in partner tega edinstvenega regionalnega food festivala tudi letos je Maistra. Zato že zdaj načrtujte obisk Rovinja od 19. do 21. aprila in skupaj raziščimo, uživajmo in se povežimo v čaroliji gastronomije. Vstopnice si zagotovite na uradni spletni strani www.weekendfoodfestival.com, vse novice pa lahko spremljate tudi na uradnih FB in IG kanalih.