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news • July 7th, 2022


On Tuesday, July 5, 2022. in Mašković Han, the prestigious Michelin awards ceremony for Croatia was held, organized by metro_hr!

We enjoyed the wonderful ambience of Mašković Han in Vrana, which dates back to 1644. Metro Hrvatska is responsible for the entire organization of the event, along with food creations and decorations under the leadership of Mr. Boris Ružić.

In addition to the awards ceremony, we enjoyed a musical evening and an after party and toasted with our colleagues from all over Croatia.

A total of 84 restaurants from all over Croatia are included in the globally most important and recognized MICHELIN Guide for 2022. This year, 10 restaurants earned a Michelin star, 62 restaurants earned a Michelin Plate recommendation, 12 restaurants received the Bib Gourmand designation, and 2 restaurants earned a Green Star.

Once again, we congratulate all the restaurants that proudly represent the Croatian gastronomic and tourist scene with their dedication and skill! We hereby thank our partners Metro Hrvatska for the invitation and the perfect organization of this great event for all of us!

We congratulate all colleagues, friends and our members of the JRE family on their achievements.

Michelin star JRE-CROATIA

All the restaurants confirmed their Michelin star this year as well


Michelin guide JRE-Hr

All our other members of the JRE-Croatia family are holders of the Michelin mark in the guides, namely:


U utorak, 5.7.2022. u Maškovića Hana, održana je svečana dodjela prestižnih Michelin nagrada za Hrvatsku u organizaciji @metro_hr!

Uživali smo u predivnom ambijentu Mašković Hana u Vrani koji datira iz davne 1644.godine.

Za cijelu organizaciju događaja zaslužan je Metro Hrvatska uz kreacije hrane i dekoracije pod vodstvom gospodina Borisa Ružića.

Osim dodjele nagrada, uživali smo u glazbenoj večeri i after partiju te nazdravili sa našim kolegama iz cijele Hrvatske.

U globalno najznačajnijem i najpriznatijem MICHELIN Vodiču za 2022. godinu uvršteno je ukupno 84 restorana iz svih krajeva Hrvatske. Ove godine 10 restorana je zaslužilo Michelin zvijezdu, 62 restorana je zaslužilo Michelin Plate preporuku, 12 restorana dobilo je Bib Gourmand oznaku, a 2 restorana je zaslužilo Zelenu zvijezdu .

Još jednom čestitamo svim restoranima koji svojom predanošću i umijećem ponosno predstavljaju hrvatsku gastronomsku i turističku scenu!

Ovim putem zahvaljujemo se našim partnerima Metro Hrvatska na pozivu i savršenoj organizaciji ovog velikog događaja za sve nas!

Čestitamo svim kolegama, prijateljima

Michelin star JRE-Hr

Svi restorani su i ove godine potvrdili svoju osvojenu Michelin zvjezdicu


Michelin guide JRE-Hr

Svi ostali naši članovi obitelji JRE-Hrvatska nositelji su Michelinove oznake u vodičima a to su: